
Electric tricycle battery also requires maintenance

1. The loss of electricity can not be stored in the battery, power loss means the battery charge state is not timely charge after use is likely to cause salinization of sulfuric acid, so that lead sulfate crystals attached to the plates in the battery, plug the  150cc police motorcycle  ion channels, will cause charge does not go charging, the battery's capacity will decrease. Under state power loss longer idle time, the more serious battery damage. When the battery is idle, should be charged once a month, which can extend the battery life.
2 electric tricycle battery during use to conduct periodic inspection, if the electric bike to continue the mileage sudden drop ten kilometers in a short time, it is likely that there is at least one battery set off a battery cell, plate softening, plate active material shedding short circuit. At this point, should go to a professional agency to check battery repair, repair, or with a group. .
3. Do not large current discharge electric bike at the start, manned, uphill, it is best to use pedal power to avoid momentary high current discharge. Large current discharge easily lead to lead sulfate crystals, to the detriment of the physical properties of the battery plates. . .
4. To control the charging time, under normal circumstances, the battery is charged during the night, the average charging time is about 8 hours. If shallow discharge (after charging mileage very short), the battery will soon be filled, there will continue to charge overcharge, leading battery dehydration, fever, reduce battery life. Therefore, in order to discharge the battery to recharge a battery optimum depth of 50% -60%, can be converted into the actual use of riding mileage, according to the actual situation of the charge necessary to avoid injurious charge. . .
5. To prevent heat exposure to  china 150cc offroad motorcycle  ,, non-exposure to the sun. High temperature conditions may cause the battery leaving the battery internal pressure increases the pressure limiting valve forced open automatically increase water loss is a direct consequence of the battery, and the battery will inevitably lead to excessive loss of water activity decreased battery, accelerating plate soften, charging shell body heat, from the drum shell, deformation and other fatal injuries.

